A person in blue gloves looking through a microscope.

The Role of PGx Testing in Drug Response and Safety

Pharmacogenomics (PGx) analyzes genetic variations that may change the way patients metabolize certain medications. PGx testing plays an important role in identifying responders and non-responders to certain drugs. It also helps to avoid adverse events and can personalize drug dosage.1 It is important to remember that the one-size-fits-all approach to prescribing may not work for all patients. These genetic variations account for much of the variability seen in patients’ responses to drug therapies and the implications of pharmacogenetics have been well documented. The FDA includes pharmacogenetic information on respective drug labels.1 There are currently over 150 prescription medications with FDA pharmacogenetic information and/or specific actions listed in their drug labels.

The pharmacogenetic information within the drug label can describe:

Drug exposure and clinical response variability

  • Risk for adverse events
  • Genotype-specific dosing
  • Mechanisms of drug action
  • Polymorphic drug target and disposition genes
  • Trial design features

Phi Life Sciences offers five types of pharmacogenetic testing: General, Psychiatry, Cardiology, Pain Management and Anesthesia. Upon receipt to the laboratory, results are available within 2-3 days. We offer cash pay options, financial assistance programs and insurance coverage dependent upon the insurance carrier. Please contact us for more information regarding payment and insurance coverage.

Answers to Your Questions

Genetic testing analyzes DNA to detect variations in your genes. Genetic variations are normal and are responsible for differences in everything from hair to eye color to finding the right medication and dose for you. Genetic testing is the only way to find your unique gene variations.

A PGx test analyzes genetic variations that may impact your response to certain medications. Your doctor can act on the results to prescribe medications with less risk of side effects, including bad reactions. PGx testing helps your doctor

find the most effective medication and dose for you. 

Our Lab offers Cardiac, Psychiatric, Pain, Anesthesia, and General PGx tests that look for gene variations that affect how your body’s enzymes work. Enzymes are involved in all of your body’s functions.

Some enzymes break down food inside the body, while others break down medications. Our Labs' tests analyze genetic variations that affect specific enzymes abilities to metabolize certain medications. A family of enzymes that we test is called the ”P450 enzymes.” These enzymes break down up to 80 percent of all medications.

Medicare and Medicaid have covered the cost for people with certain conditions. Private insurance companies may

pay if your doctor considers the test medically necessary. You may ask your insurance company if it covers  'Cytochrome P450 testing', or our Lab can check to see if you are covered.

Researchers estimate that commonly prescribed medications may not work in up to 60 percent of patients.1 Patients who are currently prescribed any of the following medications: Amitriptyline, Tetrabenazine, Nortriptyline and Plavix are prime candidates and should consider PGx testing.

Our Lab helps your doctor find the most effective medication and dose for you. We have a fast turn-around time which is within 2-3 days of receipt to the lab. We offer Genetic Counseling services before and after testing to ensure you are supported through this process.

Only a licensed doctor or other health provider can order a PGx test from our Lab. Ask your doctor about our genetic tests.